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On May 31st, Boao Forum for Asia Global Urban & Rural Development Forum (GURD) held a series of Important Releases. During the event, Wenchuan County of Sichuan Province and Anxiang County of Hunan Province introduced their progress in sustainable and inclusive development of remote areas. BFA Partners including SK Group, Sumsung and AstraZeneca showcased their fulfillment of corporate social responsibility in education commonweal, empowerment of disadvantaged groups, and remote area welfare projects. Various departments of Sichuan provincial government also displayed projects and achievements in cultural heritage protection, eco-tourism, carbon-neutrality development, and ecological restoration.

Important Releases is a new form of BFA event to amplify the role of BFA as a bridge for public-private dialogues through presentation of new policies, new ideas and new accomplishment of governments and enterprises, where the sustainable and inclusive development stories of China and the rest of Asia are shared to inspire cooperation.


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